Perdigoto Project

The idea of a personal narrative being an emancipation possibility for the speaker and the listener; that the report of experiences becomes collaborative, once public; that the personal and professional knowledge helps the listeners to transcend their own situations, rethink their conditions and learn with the history of others; all this fundaments Perdigoto Project.

Thinking of these premises the project was named Perdigoto – in Portuguese, the saliva that trickles when one speaks. The saliva has the property of contaminating those it reaches; through it, the “wisdom-epidemics” spread.

The interviewed person tells the audience of his or her experiences as a professional and as a citizen.

Coordinated by Christine Röhrig, this project counts not also with professionals from the field of theatre and culture; several specialists from varied fields are invited, people whose knowledge might contribute to the formation of the young people and aid them in the  development of a critical view. We thus search for multidisciplinarity, in a transversal approach to the theatrical research.