Paideia Cultural Association´s History

Paidéia Cultural Association was founded in 1998 by Amauri Falseti and Aglaia Pusch, after years developing cultural activities in collaboration with non-governmental organizations in southern São Paulo. In these institutions, located in regions lacking social and cultural efforts, they felt the work with theatre had had an auxiliary role. In order to change this reality was Paidéia created.

They shared an understanding: that art itself could fulfill possibilities not responded by social work. With experience gathered through all those years, they realized that the development and the emancipation of youth taking part in cultural programs perform an effective change. After having occupied different places throughout southern São Paulo, since 2006 Paidéia has been in a space owned by the municipality, a place in constant transformation.


Throughout its 20 years of existence, Cia. Paideia de Teatro has been in constant exchange with other groups and artists that perform theater for children and young people through international partnerships and participation in festivals.



  • 2000 – Partnership with the Quartet Auf dem Weg, which resulted in the creation of the opera “BRUNDIBÁR” composed in 1938 by the Czech musician Hans Krása. The performance held in São Paulo had the participation of 100 young people from private and public schools, the Youth Orchestra Paideia under the general direction of Amauri Falseti and music version and regency of Paulo Franco.
  • 2000 – Exchange with Kinder und Jugendtheaterzentrum – Aglaia Pusch and Amauri Falseti direct the theater pilot project with Roma children and young people in Frankfurt
  • 2007/2008 – Exchange with Werner Hahn, actor, singer and director of the LUTZ Theater – Junge Bühne in Hagen who participated twice in the International Paideia Theater Festival for Children and Youth: A Window for Utopia with performances and workshops.
  • 2008 – 2016 – Exchange with Andrea Gronemeyer, at that time director of the Junges Nationaltheater Mannheim Schawwl (Schnawwl National Children’s Youth Theater in Mannheim). The group made several presentations during the Paideia International Theater Festival for Children and Youth: A Window for Utopia, and Andrea was part of the roundtables and gave some workshops.
  • 2010 – 2015 – Partnership with Grips Theater. Paideia was in cooperation with Berlin’s Grips Theater group in a theater project for young audiences that produced three performances from each company. The productions of Cia. Paideia de Teatro are:
    2011: Baltus, the little hero (“Held Baltus”) – Text: Lutz Hübner with the collaboration of Sarah Nemitz, Direction: Amauri Falseti – presentations in Berlin, Hagen, Köln, Hannover and Mannheim
    2013: Ycatu – Good Water (“Ycatu-Gutes Wasser”) – by Amauri Falseti – presentations in Berlin, Hagen and Mannheim
    2015: Chalk Circle (“Kreidekreis”) – Text: Armin Pietras and Lara Kugelmann, Direction: Amauri Falseti – world premiere in Berlin, presentation in Düsseldorf
    Grips Theater Berlin created three spectacles as a result of this same exchange:
    2011- Hero Baltus (“Held Baltus”) – by Lutz Hübner.
    2013- Thirst – an adventure trip (“Durst – Eine Abenteuerreise”) – Text: Thomas Ahrens, Direction: Florian Fiedler, Dramaturgy: Winfried Tobias.
    2015 – The Chalk Circle (“Kreidekreis”) – Text: Armin Pietras and Lara Kugelmann, Direction: Robert Neumann
    – In Hagen, the Lutz Theater – Junge Bühne participated in the exchange with the performance of the text:
    2011- Hero Baltus (“Held Baltus”) – Text: Lutz Hübner and collaboration of Sarah Nemitz and Direction: Werner Hahn.

    Click here to see the “Revista Cia. Paideia e Grips Theater – An Artistic Meeting between São Paulo and Berlin” where you can find several articles about the partnership.
    Click here to see the article on the exchange in the Assitej Africa Magazine, text “The Field of an Artistic Experience – Brazil meets Germany” 2011 – 2016 by Aglaia Pusch and Stefan Fischer-Fels – page 46.
    Click here to see the pictures of the shows that were created in the Cia. Paideia Partnership with Grips Theater.

  • 2017 – Cia. Paideia de Teatro and D’haus Junges Schauspiel
    In 2017, a new exchange was signed between Cia. Paideia de Teatro and D’haus Junges Schauspiel through their artistic director Stefan Fischer-Fels.
  • Goethe Institut:
    The Goethe Institut has been present as a supporter of several Paideia projects since the theater group was founded in 1998, facilitating exchanges with German artists and with the participation of members of the Institute in several editions of the Paideia International Theater Festival for Children and Youth : A Window to Utopia.
  • Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners:
    Paideia has a partnership with this program receiving volunteers from Germany for the period of 01 year. The volunteers participate actively in all the programming and activities developed in Paideia.


Exchange with ATINA (Association of Independent Theater for Children and Adolescents). The exchange featured the presentation of the show “The cow Rosemeire” by Cia Paideia de Teatro in 2006 during the International Theater Festival for Children and Young People held in Buenos Aires (Argentina). In 2011, Amauri Falseti participated in the meeting held during the III International Festival ATINA – Patio del Recreo – Theater for Adolescents and, in 2016, as a speaker at the IV International Forum of Researchers and Critics of Theater for Children and Youth.

Exchange with ASSITEJ Argentina:
ATINA and ASSITEJ ARGENTINA have been present during the programming of the Paideia International Festival for several years represented by various performances of the Grupo de Teatro de Buenos Aires and the participation of Maria Inês Falconi and Daniel H. Fernandez at roundtables and workshops.


The exchange with Chile takes place during several editions of the Paideia International Festival, with the participation of Chilean groups through the Amazonas Network, under the presidency of Bebê de Soares, a partner of the Paideia Festival since its first edition.
In 2017, Aglaia Pusch took part in the Fita Chile – Ibero American Fair TE VEO ASSITEJ as an observer and as a guest at the discussion table where she spoke about the work developed at Paideia.


Partnership with Gabriel Macció Pastorini (Coordinator of the Uruguayan Center for Theater and Dance for Children and Youth – CUTDIJ – and Director of the magazine Entre Patas), who participated in several editions of the Paideia International Theater Festival for Children and Youth: A Window for Utopia.


Partnership with the Danish Cultural Institute, that facilitated the presentation of Danish groups performances and workshops held during the Paideia International Theater Festival for Children and Youth: A Window for Utopia.
Participation of three members of the Paideia in three editions of the Danish April Festival in the years 2012, 2014 and 2015.


The exchange with Turkey took place in 3 editions of the Paideia International Theater Festival: in 2012, 2015 and 2016 with the participation of three theater groups with performances and workshops.
In 2012, the actress Camila Amorin from Paideia was invited to participate in the rehearsals in Ankara specially arranged for the coming of the Ankara State Theater group for the Paideia International Festival.


The exchange with the Trupe de Truões started in 2015 with the participation of Aglaia Pusch in the 3rd Seminar of Theater for Children and Young People by Trupe of Truões.
In 2017, Cia. Paideia de Teatro had the premiere of the play “Stories that the Wind Brings” at the 4ª Mostra de Teatro Casa Aberta hosted by the Truões Trupe at its headquarters located in Uberlândia / MG. During the event, Paideia also hold the workshop “The play and the story – making theater for children and young people”.
Trupe Troupe participated in Paideia International Theater Festival in 2016 and 2017 with the performance “Alibabá and the 40 thieves” (2016), with workshops and in the roundtables.

There were exchanges with various Brazilian groups through the PROJECT ARTISTIC RESIDENCE of Cia. Paideia de Teatro. The groups are:

Grupo dos sete, Manicômicos, Dulce Muniz, Juliana Jardim, Georgette Fadel , Eric Nowinski, Sandra Vargas, Cia. Kiwi, Nova Dança 4, Cia. do Caixote, Centro de Pesquisa Teatral (CPT), Cia. do Feijão, José Geraldo Rocha e Grupo Pasárgada, Cia. São Jorge de Variedades, Barracão Teatro (Campinas), Cia. Balagan, Vagalum Tum Tum, Cia. Emily e Manela (Cia Pelo Cano).


2005 – Hübner meets Hübner in Hagen (Germany). Cia Paideia presents the play “Nellie Goodbye”. Author: Lutz Hübner, Direction: Amauri Falseti, Translation: Aglaia Pusch.

2005 – Kinder und Jungendtheatertreffen Nordheim Westfalen in Kresch – Theater in Krefeld (Germany). Cia Paideia de Teatro hosts the workshop “Brasilianische Rhythmen und Köperliche”.

2005 – Forum “Vom Ausprobierem der Andersartingkeit” – Praktische Beispiele der Theaterpädagogik. Lecture by Aglaia Pusch and Amauri Falseti.

2006 – II Festival Nacional e Internacional de Teatro para Niños y Adolescentes, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, organized by the Association of Independent Theater for Children and Adolescents (ATINA). Presentation of the play “The cow Rosemeire” Cia Paideia de Teatro, Text: Andri Bayeler, Direction: Amauri Falseti, translation: Aglaia Pusch.

2007 – Augen Blickmal – Das Festival des Theaters für junges Publikum in Berlin, Germany

2008 – FIL – Festival Internacional Intercâmbios de Linguagens, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, presentation “The Heart of a Boxer” by Cia Paideia de Teatro, author: Lutz Hübner, directed by: Amauri Falseti, Translation: Aglaia Pusch and Marina Violakis.

2008 – Mostra Artística de Teatro de Ilha Comprida, in São Paulo, Brazil. Presentation of the play “The Heart of a Boxer” by Cia Paideia de Teatro. Author: Lutz Hübner, Direction: Amauri Falseti, Translation: Aglaia Pusch and Marina Violakis.

2009 – Augen Blickmal – Das Festival des Theaters für junges Publikum in Berlin, Germany

2010 – Little Ladies Little Gentlemen Theater Festival for Children and Youth in Ankara, Turkey

2011- Festival de Inverno de Garanhuns, in Pernambuco, Brazil. Presentation of the show “The Heart of a Boxer” Cia Paideia de Teatro, author: Lutz Hübner, directed by: Amauri Falseti, Translation: Aglaia Pusch and Marina Violakis.

2011 – WestWind: Kinder- und Jungendtheater treffen NRW Comedy Theater in Cologne, Germany. Aglaia Pusch was an observer guest and was invited to talk about the Paideia International Theater Festival.

2011- Raising Walls, Buiding Bridges: Contieri teatrali Koreja, in Lecce, Italy – Aglaia Pusch participated as an observer.

2011- 10-year celebration of the Lutz Junge Bühne Theater in Hagen / Germany – Aglaia Pusch is invited to attend the celebration.

2012 – April Festival 2012 – teater for børn & unge, in Ringsted and Sorø, Denmark. Carolina Chmielewski participated as a volunteer of the festival.

2013 – Little Ladies Little Gentlemen Theater Festival for Children and Youth in Ankara, Turkey. Cia. Paideia performed the play “Ycatu – Água Boa”. Text and direction: Amauri Falseti.

2014 – TIC – Festival Internacional de Teatro Infantil do Ceará. Aglaia Pusch participates as an observer and Amauri Falseti ministered the workshop “Theater for Young People: a stage for the new generation”

2014 – April Festival 2012 – teater for børn & unge, in Holstebro, Denmark. Aglaia Pusch was invited to attend the festival as an observer.

2015 – April Festival 2012 – teater for børn & unge, in Frederikssund, Denmark. Valdênio José was invited to attend the festival as an observer.

2015 – Augen Blickmal – Das Festival des Theaters für junges Publikum, in Berlin, Germany, together with ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering. The actress Carolina Chmielewski was selected to participate in the Next Generation program – ASSITEJ, representing Cia. Paideia.

2015 – 3rd Seminar of Infanto-Juvenile Theater of the Troupe of Truões, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Aglaia Pusch participated as an observer and spoke about the work developed by Paideia.

2016 – IV Foro Internacional de Investigadores y Críticos de Teatro para Niños y Jóvenes, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, organized by the Association of Independent Theater for Children and Adolescents (ATINA), in collaboration with the Argentinean Association for Research and Theater Criticism (AINCRIT) and the International Network of Theater Researchers for Children and Young People (ITYARN) and the sponsorship of the International Association of Theater for Children and Youth (ASSITEJ). Amauri Falseti participated as a speaker talking about Paideia’s work.

2016 – Mostra Solidariedade –  Engenho Teatral, in São Paulo, Brazil. Presentation of the play “The Heart of a Boxer” Cia Paideia de Teatro, author: Lutz Hübner, directed by: Amauri Falseti, Translation: Aglaia Pusch and Marina Violakis.

2016 – Happy New Ears – Musiktheater für Junges Publikum, in Mannheim, Germany – Aglaia Pusch participated as an observer and member of the appreciation and discussion group about the Festival’s performances.

2017 – 4ª Mostra de Teatro Casa Aberta – Trupe de Truões, in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Presentation of the play “Stories that the Wind Brings” by Cia Paideia Theater, Text and Direction: Amauri Falseti.

2017 – FETEN (Feria Europea de Artes Escénicas para Niños y Ninãs), in Gijón, Spain – Participation of the International Meeting “Performing arts for children and youth present and future”. Amauri Falseti and Aglaia Pusch gave a lecture about the theater work for young people held at the Paideia Cultural Association and about the Paideia International Theater Festival for Children and Youth: A Window for Utopia.

2017 – CRADLE OF CREATIVITY – 19TH ASSITEJ WORLD CONGRESS, Cape Town, South Africa – Aglaia Pusch was a delegate from CBTIJ Brasil (Brazilian Theater Center for Children and Youth) and participated in the ITYARN (International Theater for Young Audiences Research Network’s) in the group “Intercultural exchanges / Diversity” talking about the exchange between Cia. Paideia (Brazil) and GRIPS Theater (Germany).

Click here to see the full program of the ITYARN Conference.

2017 – FITA CHILE – Feria Ibero Americana TE VEO ASSITEJ, in Santiago, Chile – Aglaia Pusch participated as an observer and participated in the discussion table talking about the work of Cia. Paideia.