Núcleo de Vivência Teatral

Núcleo de Vivência Teatral is a center for youth theater, split into several smaller groups whose work is tutored by the professionals of Cia Paidéia de Teatro.

The continuous education of young people in Paidéia is provided much beyond the experience as public in performances by the professional group and invited companies. In the center of the activities reside the creation, staging and presentation of plays. These plays then become part of the companies’ repertoire, being presented in Paidéia and also in Festivals throughout the city and the state, to which we have been frequently invited.

Aiming at the social insertion of the young people, a number of activities are promoted alongside this regular stage work: courses and workshops, lectures and meetings. The rich encounter of young people from different social background permeates the entire process.

The objective of this group is not the formation of actors itself but rather stimulate that people become “in love” with theater, through the concrete experience of being on stage. They should have the possibility of becoming multipliers and “activists” of the art, inside their communities and schools, broadening by themselves their cultural horizons. The projects involve the surrounding community and private and public schools from the southern part of the city, and integrate the youth, students, general public, professors, educators and art professionals.